What They Say
About VASIA of Johnson and Shelby Counties
Voices of VASIA: Betty Kinney
Voices of VASIA: Julie Dwire
Voices of VASIA: Joe Erickson
Voices of VASIA: Mary Beth
Each protected person comes with their own set of circumstances, but the common thread is that they need someone to care about them and their needs, and I feel blessed to be part of an organization that provides assistance when they need it the most.
Linda Krueger VASIA Guardian Volunteer
Through the years I have sometimes been presented with critical and emergent circumstances that I felt powerless to address. VASIA has become my go-to for needs that fall outside of our scope of delivery and for those where time is especially critical.
Cathy Bailey Franklin Active Adult Center
VASIA volunteers have a unique opportunity to provide crucial personal advocacy for a segment of the population that is often unseen and thus overlooked.
Diana Moorman